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I’m delighted that you are interested in the ACEVO Treasurer role. This is a fantastic opportunity to join the board of one of the most influential organisations in our sector just as we build a covenant between government and civil society and as we build out our support of leaders and leadership to drive impact. Civil society benefits immeasurably when ACEVO is flourishing and healthy, and we’re currently in a great place.

This is just as well, because the extended period of challenge and uncertainty that we’re all navigating shows no sign of coming to an end. The complex, volatile and unpredictable operating context for our members is tough, made harder by employer National Insurance rises and the economic climate generally. The leadership role of CEOs and aspiring leaders has never been more demanding. ACEVO provides great support to our members and is building an inclusive and resilient ecosystem for them. We also know that there are many leaders who are not yet members and who would benefit from, and add value to, our community.

Our mission is to be a powerful catalyst for inspired, inspiring and impactful civil society leadership. Our strategic priorities include developing inspired, impactful, progressive civil society leaders; deepening our collaboration with other sector bodies to improve policy, regulation and governance; driving race equity and wider social inclusion; and supporting members through the leadership challenges and opportunities they face. That’s on top of running a high performing organisation and providing the top-quality resources and services our members tell us they need.

I want to pay tribute to Joyce Materego-Woodall, who has been a highly effective and valued Treasurer, overseeing an impressive finance, risk and control set up and team. Her successor will join a diverse, dynamic and inspiring Board which practises skilled, intelligent governance. 

I very much look forward to meeting experienced, thoughtful and empathetic candidates who will help drive ACEVO’s finances and governance forward.

photo of Mark Norbury
Mark Norbury

ACEVO has given me courage, knowledge, kindness, confidence, and a respect for governance that I wouldn’t have got anywhere else.

Katie Antill, CEO, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Services


ACEVO is the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Our vision is to see civil society leaders making the biggest possible difference. Together with our network, we inspire and support civil society leaders through connection, advocacy and skills. We have a turnover of around £1.3m and 20 staff.

For over 35 years, we have provided support, development and an inspiring, collective voice for our members across the UK. ACEVO’s network of over 1,700 individuals includes the leaders of every shape and size of civil society organisation and at every stage of the leadership journey.

ACEVO’s impact can be seen through the contribution it makes to civil society and beyond: our ‘ripple effect’. By supporting CEOs and strengthening leadership within the sector, ACEVO inspires its members to have a greater impact on their organisations and – through them – their beneficiaries and causes, to improve lives.

We are member-driven, connected, inclusive, ambitious and honest. We believe that investing in our sector’s leaders strengthens the impact they achieve. Our members drive positive change in their organisations and in their communities, and our peer-to-peer network supports and encourages them at every step of their career.

  • Our vision: for civil society leaders to make the biggest possible difference.
  • Our mission: together with our network we inspire and support civil society leaders through connection, skills and influence.
  • Our strategy: imagine, inspire, improve

Effective leaders are driven by imagining a better, brighter, more equal world. Through their vision they inspire others. And together with their teams and peers they deliver impact – improving lives, our society and their own performance.


A woman is sat at a table, she is looking to the right and smiling

Whenever I have contacted ACEVO, the response has always been reassuring. They have always made me feel valued and in a role where sometimes it’s hard to feel valued, it’s always good to know that ACEVO is there and you will always feel supported.

Jay Breslaw, CEO Survivors’ Network

About the role

The role of the treasurer is to provide financial assurance to ACEVO’s board of trustees, enabling the board to fulfil its responsibilities for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation.

The treasurer is chair of our finance and audit committee and sits as a member of the remuneration committee. The treasurer also holds primary responsibility on behalf of the board for building and maintaining a successful relationship with the head of finance & operations, and for providing an appropriate level of oversight and coaching on finance and risk to her and to the CEO.

The officers’ group (chair, deputy chair, treasurer and CEO) holds delegated authority to deal with any urgent matter regarding reputation, safety or finance which requires an immediate decision outside the remit of the scheme of delegation and without time to convene the full board.

ACEVO is a successful, financially stable charity with a strong track record in income generation.  Less than 15% of our income comes from grants, and we currently have only one grant funded programme in place (Home Truths 2.) The majority of our income comes from membership fees, earned income and a carefully curated roster of corporate partnerships. Our treasurer will have, or be able to rapidly develop, a strong understanding of charity finances and reporting while also being able to interpret our business model within the charitable context.

We are looking to appoint someone who can help us build on the considerable achievements of the past few years and continue to strengthen and deepen our place in civil society in England and Wales. Candidates must be qualified accountants, and will have the ability to support us as we build new income generating activities in order to create even greater impact.

While you may not have held a trustee position previously, you will have the ability and professional confidence to work as part of an experienced and dynamic board of trustees, and to develop a strong understanding of the broader governance role of a trustee as well as the specifics of the treasurer role. 

At ACEVO we are deeply committed to antiracism, equity and diversity and we work intentionally to maintain a balance of gender, race, sexuality and disability around our board table. We will particularly welcome applicants of global majority backgrounds who have the necessary finance qualifications for the role.

How to apply

To apply for this position, please provide the following documents:

  • An up-to-date CV
  • A completed diversity and monitoring form
  • A supporting statement (maximum two pages) that outlines your interest in the role of treasurer for ACEVO, and your fit against the role requirements.

If you would like an informal conversation about this position, or to know more about the process, please contact our executive search partner, Ali Hollingbery on or 01730 776655 (available from 20 January 2025).

To apply for the role please submit your CV and supporting statement by 8.00am Monday 17 February 2025 to


Online open Q&A session for all potential candidates

Closing date
8.00am Monday 17 February 2025

First panel interviews
w/c 10 March 2025

Final panel interviews
w/c 24 March 2025