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Meet our conference speakers: Henry Stewart

The 2019 edition of our annual conference will take place at the Business Design Centre in London on 21 November, and will focus on Leading Outside the Ordinary. The full programme is available on the website, and in this blog series, you will get the know our speakers a little bit better.

Henry Stewart is the chief happiness officer at Happy. At the conference, he will talk about making your workplace happy, together with Sally de la Bedoyere.

What’s your favourite thing about working in the social sector?

The people. People who care and really want to make a difference.

What does leading outside the ordinary mean to you?

Focusing on people’s needs (staff and clients) rather than following the rules.

What’s the best professional advice you’ve been given?

When starting out: “Go make mistakes”

What’s your favourite thing to do for your own well being?

A long, long cycle (hopefully with some nice hills).

Why do you think it’s important to attend networking events?

Meeting new people stimulates my thinking and often leads to new and different ideas.

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