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ICYMI: March 2020

In case you missed it is a monthly round-up of what we have been up to at ACEVO. Communications Officer Heloisa Righetto shares links to recently published content, newly launched events and interesting discussions taking place on social media.

To say that March was an overwhelming month it’s an understatement. There has been a lot of transformation and adaptation – the ACEVO team is working hard to provide the support our members need right now, at the same time we get used to a new way of doing our own jobs.

There were many blogs and new digital events announced – as well as a lot of work around policy and collaboration with other infrastructure organisations. This blog comprises all of these, but please do keep coming back to the website as there will be more going on in April! In the meantime, please stay safe.

Latest resources

One of the first pieces of content we published as soon as the Covid-19 outbreak happened was a member briefing with tips for leading in challenging times. Similarly, Teenage Cancer Trust CEO Kate Collins wrote a blog about leading with the benefit of hindsight, sharing advice about the sort of leadership that is needed in uncertain times.

We’ve published a few great blogs by external contributors with advice on a number of different issues: agile working, coping with the pandemic, being mindful, and how to better communicate.

Most importantly, we created a page on the website dedicated to the work we have been doing around coronavirus and explaining how we are supporting our members at the moment. In this page, you will also find information about #EveryDayCounts, a collaborative campaign that asks the government for funding for charities.

Announced new events

Our events have temporarily moved to virtual meetings and webinars. You can now book your place on the resilience and mindfulness webinars, as well as those who had been previously launched and will still take place.

The digital member meetings are a great opportunity for you to meet peers from across the country and change ideas, issues and challenges. You can find out more about them here.

We have also announced the date of ACEVO’s 2020 annual conference. While we are facing an unprecedented challenge, we are also looking ahead and thinking about our conference later this year. At some point, we will come out of this crisis and it will be important for us to regroup both as a sector and as leaders within it. Mark your calendars: on 23 November we will be together at the etc venues St Paul’s in London to talk about “Leading For The Future”. Ticket sales and full agenda will be live on the website within the next few months. We hope this will give you something to look forward to!

Member support

Our member support team of Jenny and Tom are here for you. Please take a look at the support & advice page on our website, where they explain how can all members talk to us.

Next month

On Monday 6 April there will be a new episode of our Leadership Worth Sharing podcast, and you’ll hear from National Ugly Mugs chief executive Raven Bowen talking about her leadership journey and how NUM is dealing with the pandemic.

We are also preparing to launch our member community, a digital space that has been in the making for a while, and will enable ACEVO members to chat, ask and answer questions and share interesting content.

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