The Race Equity Series is open to all in civil society:
- Explore new insights
- Share challenges, opportunities and ideas
- Engage with expert guest speakers
- Support transformative change
- Online and free to attend
ACEVO and Voice4Change England are hosting Home Truths 2, Race Equity Series. The series will stimulate and support meaningful anti-racist responses to civil society's ongoing racism problem.
The topics covered are:
Session 1 - 12 June 2024: Why we need to move beyond diversity
Session 3 - 24 September 2024: Inside intersectionality
Why a Race Equity Series?
Since we launched the first Home Truths report in the locked-down summer of 2020, we have talked to hundreds of civil society people about the work and the need for serious action to tackle civil society’s racism problem.
While taking the Home Truths work into the wider world, we have tried to ensure that as we do our talking, we also do plenty of listening to civil society responses to our research and calls to action. In particular, we have tried to identify important sticking points to taking serious and transformative action against racism and for race equity.
As a result of our listening, we have put together a Race Equity Series (RES). Each of the themes in the series is an area where we have heard a need in mainstream civil society for clarification and guidance to overcome blockages to progress and to support transformative change on anti-racism and race equity.
The five themes don’t address all the barriers to progress on race equity, but they help to establish important principles and practices for serious mainstream civil society action to end racism and move decisively towards meaningful positive change.
Each theme will be introduced by an online session with a keynote speaker with time for questions and participation from the audience. A set of companion notes will be issued shortly following the event to accompany the discussion topics.