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Leading with values: creating a safe organisational culture

Published in July 2018

This report is part of a cross-sector tiered project, led by ACEVO and NCVO covering leadership and culture respectively. This project was developed in response to the Charity Commission’s domestic charity safeguarding summit held in March 2018 following reports of harassment, abuse and exploitation in the charity sector.

The report highlights three pillars of moral leadership that will enable leaders to create safe workplace cultures in which unacceptable, abusive or bullying behaviour is dealt with before it can escalate. As well as outlining what good leadership looks like for charity leaders, it also provides
suggestions as to how funders, the Charity Commission and government can model behaviour that facilitates an operating environment that does not inadvertently encourage or reward poor leadership.

The report finishes with recommendations designed to support the development of safe cultures across the entire charity sector.

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