In case you missed it is a monthly round-up of what we have been up to at ACEVO. Communications Officer Heloisa Righetto shares links to recently published content, newly launched events and interesting discussions taking place on social media.
Latest resources
In February we published two member briefings: the first one tackles the issue of chief executive pay and how to talk about, and it was produced in collaboration with the Institute of Fundraising and NCVO. The second one was produced our legal partner BDB Pitmans, and outlines the types of notice period, the importance of determining how long the notice is and the benefits of a longer notice.
The second report in the series of trust and charities by ACEVO and nfpSynergy was also published this month. With this series of reports, we hope to give you a more nuanced understanding of what trust is, and why it is important for your charity. In this second report, we look at how charities can build trust with the new Conservative government.
Announced new events
On 23 March we will launch the findings from the Making Diversity Count research project. The event is free to attend and will be at Toynbee Hall. We will also discuss the recommendations and have an open discussion about what should take place next. If you would like to attend the free event, please book your place here (only book if you are sure you can attend, as there is limited space). If you are unable to attend, you will be able to watch the live stream on our YouTube page.
From our members
February was LGBT History Month and we invited two members to takeover ACEVO’s Twitter profile to celebrate: Ruper Abbott from GiveOut (on 3 February) and Dr Pip Gardner from The Kite Trust (on 28 February). You can check all tweets by searching the hashtag #AcevoTakeover.
We also published a few blogs written by members: our chair Rosie Ferguson opened up and talked about dealing with stress, Kate Allen the reason about why she decided to become a trustee, Katie Antill reflected on what she has learnt from sharing the CEO role with Sarah Taylor, and Sarah Taylor reflected on her professional journey to become a joint CEO with Katie Antill.
Inside ACEVO
We launched a short member satisfaction survey to monitor our progress and look at how we can improve. Our members’ feedback is crucial for us to find out what you think about your membership benefits and services, so please take part. The link to the survey is in this week’s Leader to Leader.
Next month
A new episode of our podcast Leadership Worth Sharing will be live on 2 March. In the first episode of 2020, Vicky speaks to Aleema Shivji, executive director at Humanity & Inclusion.
In late March we will announce the date and theme of our annual conference. Make sure you follow our conference Instagram account to get the latest updates.
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash